Get Out of The Boat!

Once upon a time, the morning mist slowly sunk into the earth below. The clouds sleepily stretched across the sky and the sun glowed rather dim. There was an all too familiar silence filling the air when a sudden voice whispered ever so softly as not to fully awaken the hushing sounds of the winds.  It was an inner whisper... one that not just anyone could hear. Those who know this voice to which I'm referring know all to well of its peaceful and compassionate nature. That small whisper began, "You have been given special gifts... ones that should not be taken for granted. They are gifts from your Father and He wants you to use them. Do not fear. Just use the discernment from within to follow the desires He is placing on your heart and walk faithfully as He is holding your hand. You will not be alone. You are never alone. Trust me. These gifts aren't to be stored away... they are to be used. Now take a deep breathe and let go of anything holding you back. Be like Peter, and cast your net into the sea. Be like Peter and step out of the boat. Be like Peter, and reach for His hand. Even if you fall, He will catch you."

That morning was filled with uncertainty. What was I to do? I was sent here... I was called here... and yet anxiously I felt myself fumbling around in the dark trying to determine the desires of my heavenly Father without letting mine interfere. I have always doubted myself. I think that's only human. Surely if you scroll through this blog, you'll find several stories I've written concerning doubt, fear, worry, anxiety, and the list continues. I'm an open book so to speak. So here I was feeling pretty low just trying to figure out why my family and I were called to this new place... why we were called to move yet again and leave so many loved ones behind. I'm not going to lie to you and say moving is easy. It's not. In fact, my sweet little man cub asked the other day why we had to move again and it's like the Holy Spirit just gave me the explanation to give him that I cannot take credit for ... "because God called us to and when He calls you, you go." That is one thing I want my kids to be sure of, that when God calls you to do something or go somewhere, you listen and act on His accord. Our Heavenly Father has equipped us each and every time He has called us to do something for Him. He gives us the gifts we need in any situation to overcome and bring others closer to Him. Have you thought about the gifts He has given You and what purpose they serve?

Here we are 4 months into this new chapter and I'm still fumbling around trying to discern how God wants me to use these gifts He has graciously given me. What purpose do they have and what greater good could He be equipping me for? Do you have gifts you feel you should be using but aren't sure how? Is God calling you to take a leap of faith and do something for His kingdom? Maybe you're a tad of an introvert, but you have a gift of encouragement...maybe you should use that and put your fears behind you and reach out to someone who's hurting. Maybe you're an extrovert and your gift is serving others, but you're afraid once you say yes, you won't be able to say no and you'll get burnt out. How about you, someone who has a God given desire to help children but you don't feel equipped? There are so many gifts we are given that we may spend forever trying to discern how to use them if we let fears get in the way. Satan finds so much joy when we let fear creep in. His goals are to keep us far apart from God and far away from bringing others to our Father in heaven. When was the last time you invited someone to dinner? When was the last time you spent time investing in the lives of children? When was the last time you stepped outside of your comfort zone to use the gifts God has blessed you with? I can think of a world of excuses to keep me from using the gifts He has equipped me with; but that won't help me achieve the bigger picture of why God has called me and my little family here, to this new place, beginning a new chapter. Instead of giving into fear and doubt, what if I said yes to helping a neighbor... what if I said yes to volunteering in the nursing home... what if I said yes to hosting playgroups for stay at home mommas in need of friends?

I am praying in this new year that my family puts God first. I pray that we don't think twice before asking someone over or lending a word of encouragement. I pray that each friendship we make in our new home is meaningful. Lord, let these hands and feet work to bring glory to Your kingdom. Let our lights shine brighter by the day as we wait patiently for your return. Help us to have enough faith in You that we can step out of the boat like Peter. Let fear not overcome us and help us on days we feel alone and insecure. Remind us that You are great inside of us and through You we can do life each and every day without worry for what tomorrow brings. Let us use our gifts to the fullest of our ability to bring others to Your feet. God I praise You for this new chapter and pray that we continually give You all the praise and glory!

He told them, "Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some." So they cast it there, and they were unable to haul it in because of the great number of fish. Then the disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, "It is the Lord!" As soon as Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on his outer garment (for he had removed it) and jumped into the sea.
John 21:6-7

"There are different kinds of gifts, but the same Spirit distribute them. There are different kinds of service, but the same Lord. There are different kinds of working, but in all of them and in everyone it is the same God at work."
1 Corinthians 12:4-6

Now may the God of peace, who through the blood of the eternal covenant brought back from the dead our Lord Jesus, that great Shepherd of the sheep, equip you with everything good for doing His will, and may He work in us what is pleasing to Him, through Jesus Christ, to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.
Hebrews 13:20-21


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