A World of Blessings

Once upon a time, I went on a mission trip to Romania. Before you go on a mission trip, those who have gone before you tend to say that it will be a life changing experience. As you board that plane, you can only hope and pray that you witness one. I believe most everyone does in some way or another, even if they don't recognize it at first. But let me just explain through a few examples.

A. I know many Americans who stress over money. I do every now and then. What is it though... this seems to be the only country whose government supports the lazy people that refuse to work. And then you have those who are working and paying taxes that are again... going to the lazy people our government is supporting. And those who have money... think they are constantly going broke. Oh but then let's not forget those who have so much money they do not know what to do with it. Those are people that need prayed for...
Then Jesus said to his disciples, "I tell you the truth, it is hard for a rich man to enter the kingdom of heaven." Matthew 19:23

But to all of those working, to those sitting on their lazy butts, and to those who have enormous amounts of money... go on a mission trip to a poverty stricken country! Then count your blessings. You'll see just how blessed we are to be an American.

B. How easy is it to go and speak the Truth to friends, family, and even acquaintances? On a mission trip, that may be the only thing you want to do, spread the Word. Language barriers... no problem... your determination kicks in and the Holy Spirit takes over. But how easy is it when you're not with a group of people evangelizing? How easy is it when you're on your own... waiting for a calling to share the love of Christ... especially when it seems you're the only believer in a handful of lost people? It's difficult. But then think of those who die for their faith, those who face consequences for sharing the Gospel... for believing. Answering the call to witness doesn't seem so difficult when you're not having to undergo persecution.
"For God so loved the world that he gave his One and Only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16

For Christ suffered the ultimate death so that we may have a chance to know, love, and honor our Heavenly Father in an eternity spent with Him.

C. Look around; what do you see? What do you hear? What do you smell? What do you feel? Is your heart filled with contentment? Can you sit back and love the life you're living? Are you living your passion? After you've answered these questions, are you dissatisfied.... if so, HURRY... get up, spin around 3 times, make yourself smile for 3 minutes straight, and then pray!! Ask God how you can start enjoying life! After my trip to Romania, I am now able to answer positively to all of the above! How... I witnessed a "life changing" experience. I saw children laughing, smiling, and playing in a village where they lived in huts and walked barefoot through garbage; where they ran around climbing on rusty gates and floors with rebar sticking up. Most of the children were sick with Strep throat, terrible colds, and thin ripped clothing in 25 (degrees F) of snowy weather. They didn't know how to keep good hygiene either. And yet they were as happy as could be! Happiness is a choice. Witnessing these children live... need I say, another "life changing" experience! I shouldn't take this life God has given me for granted!!

So to keep this story going and keep the blessings spreading... and all those "life changing" experiences witnessed... here's a verse:

"Give thanks to the LORD, call on his name; make known among the nations what he has done." Nehemiah 105:1


  1. This is wonderful to think on. Life passes so quickly. So spoiled living in this Country that we take for granted.....and we're destroying the freedom we have that so many in other countries can only dream of having....to worship our Lord and Savior freely.....



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