Just a Little Inquisitive...

Once upon a time, it had been a long day. Beginning with an early morning class (well, maybe not so early), and then sitting for nearly two hours in my afternoon class (our professor let us out nearly an hour early), I was ready for the day to end. I had plans to meet up with friends that night and attend a bonfire where we'd roast s'mores. Let me just say, chocolate, marshmallows, and graham crackers are delicious and whoever came up with the idea to put them all together was an absolute genius. While sitting around the bonfire that night, two young men walked up. I couldn't help but watch them out of the corner of my eye. Call me creeper if you want, but you know you've done it too! I sat there pondering what I'd do if one of them came over to talk to me. I found myself paying more attention to the guy in the button down shirt and jeans than the one wearing glasses. Rationalizing my thoughts, I remembered that slight problem I've had my whole life, I go for the wrong type of guys. Why on earth would this one be any different? So I played it cool and decided to let life happen. Within the hour, people began to clear out and the guy I found quite attractive joined in conversation with me and some of my friends. You know that saying guys and girls have: "They were great until they opened their mouth." Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am the queen bee when it comes to finding these types of guys. Hence what you've read in other posts about my "guy theories."

So let's just cut to the chase. My friends and I have him over for a game of Uno after the bonfire. I was pretty excited until he asks....
What can I bring? I have beer, vodka, and gatorade. Any of those sound good?

What on earth is it about guys? Must they all drink? What is the cause of their nonsense? How about this? Question asked: do you buy or smoke pot?

I won't buy it, but if it's available, I'll smoke it.

This is why girls have trouble finding dates. These boys need help. However, boys aren't the only ones. I have found many girls to be the same. It's just sad.

We recently had a talk on drinking at Campus Christian Fellowship. It's not a sin to drink. However, it is a sin to drink until you are drunk. The question is: what are your motives to drink?

Do you think that by drinking, it will solve your problems? Do you think that it will help you make friends? Do you smoke because it makes you look cool? Do you smoke to relieve stress?

Now then, once you've answered those questions: have any of you found that drinking and smoking solves anything?

I am not here to judge those who take part in drinking, smoking, or anything for that matter. God is the almighty judge. I'm just an inquisitive individual who loves to reason. I find that being myself around others is enough and I can be absolutely goofy without being drunk or high. I don't care what people think of me. God made me in His image. I love being me!

So ladies and gentlemen, take a look at yourself! You are amazing! You are wonderfully made! Our heavenly Father made you perfect and whole. Now take a step back and let go! If you find you don't like something about yourself, or problems are boiling up, give them to God! Stop trying to solve everything on your own! Take the easy way out and give it to God!

I think we spend too much time thinking about ourselves and not our heavenly Father! Next time you go to take a drink, offer a drink, get a high, or heaven knows... think about our Daddy in heaven. Think about how much He loves you.

My prayer for you is that God's desires become your desires. I pray that you find the strength to break down the walls that separate you from your friends and our heavenly Father. Dear Lord, help us to love and be who we are!

What does the Bible say?

"God met me more than halfway, he freed me from my anxious fears. Look at Him; give Him your warmest smile. Never hide your feelings from Him. When I was desperate, I called out, and God got me out of a tight spot." Psalm 34:4-6

"We are bringing you the Good News and are telling you to turn away from these worthless things and turn to the living God." Acts 14:15


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