Singing...... in the Shower!

Once upon a time, I sang in the shower. On second thought... I always sing in the shower unless I have too much on my mind. I'm sure my family loves to hear me belting out notes only dogs can hear (my poor puppy). Then I think of those times in church during praise and worship when all I can hear are notes way off key from the person next to me. Don't act like the thought has never crossed your mind... "Please be quiet! Your singing is terrible." If you haven't, congratulations; you are one in a million!

Have you ever thought about what God thinks when we sing.... or when that one person you wish would "be quiet" sings "terribly?" God, our Creator made us; we are made in His image. He has sent His one and only son to die for our sins so that we may live eternally with Him one day in heaven. Do you not think for that He deserves all of our praise and worship? Think of how wonderful He feels when His tone deaf child sings Him praise! Therefore, I'm teaching myself to smile when I hear those notes way off key... and I can guarantee my family has heard plenty from me!
Lately I've found myself singing "My Redeemer Lives" every time I go to sing! I've heard the song many times, but never truly focused on the lyrics until recently.

"Who taught the sun where to stand in the morning".... Can YOU believe the Biggest star in the sky was placed there by our Heavenly Father?

"I know my Redeemer lives".... HE lives! My Heavenly Father, my one and ONLY Lord and Savior lives! Doesn't it make you want to jump in a hot shower and belt it out so it rings throughout the house? Even MORE... doesn't it make you want to tell the WORLD?!

"He runs to the weary, the worn, and the weak"... My heavenly Daddy makes the weary, the worn, and the weak all better! Do you know any other daddy that can do that?

"Conquered death to bring me victory"... God in human flesh died for Me and You so we may NEVER die! Has anyone else done that for you? NO!!! He cares for His children so much that He sacrificed Himself! Would you give your life for sinners?

"All of creation testify"... ALL! I'm not the only one testifying for my Savior! All of creation will testify!

Can you imagine what it will be like when that day comes, that glorious day... the day we will meet our God face to face! Oh how I praise Jesus for that day!

Showering Scripture:

You alone are the Lord, Creator of the heavens and all the stars, Creator of the earth and those who live on it, Creator of the ocean and all its creatures. You are the source of life, praised by the stars that fill the heavens. Nehemiah 9:6

All men shall [reverently] fear and be in awe; and they will declare the work of God for they will wisely consider and acknowledge that it is His doing. Psalm 64:9

I am with you always. Matthew 28:20


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